MRCS Part B Viva Course London 2016


Day one:
The Turnbull Centre for Basic Science Teaching
The Bancroft Building
Queen Mary University
Mile End Road London
E1 4NS

Days two & three:
First floor, Seminar room
Barts Heart Centre
St. Bartholomew's Hospital
West Smithfield, London


Day 1: Anatomy & Critical Care
Day 2: Examinations, Comm Skills & Procedures
Day 3: History taking, Pathology & Vivas

Our courses are ran by Consultants and Registrars who are familiar with the examination style and will get you ready for core topics. Small groups of 3-4 candidates will be directly observed for examinations and viva practice to perfect your technique.

  Book Now

There are only 20 places available for this course to ensure adequate tutor to trainee ratio for direct observation and feedback. Book now to avoid disappointment:

Owing to our generous sponsors, we are now able to offer this course for a reduced price of £120

£120 for 3 days